Heidi S. Nebel Re-Appointed to the National Plant Variety Protection Advisory Board
Heidi S. Nebel Re-Appointed to the National Plant Variety Protection Advisory Board
August 3, 2022
Secretary of Agriculture, Thomas Vilsack, has re-appointed Heidi S. Nebel, Intellectual Property (IP) Attorney, Managing Partner, and Chair of the Chemical and Biotechnology Practice Group at McKee, Voorhees & Sease, PLC, to continue her service for a third term on the Plant Variety Protection (PVP) Advisory Board.
The USDA PVP Advisory Board helps shape the country’s IP policy for plants through the Plant Variety Protection Act. Current work on the Board has involved PVP harmonization with the rest of the world under UPOV and implementing the sweeping changes enacted by the 2018 Farm Bill. The PVP Board is composed of 14 members that include farmers, plant breeders, seed industry experts, university professors, and lawyers who have involvement with plant varieties and/or their use. The mission of the PVP Board is “to provide direction to the PVP Office which ultimately influences the development of new plant varieties by providing an incentive (through intellectual property protection) to the breeders of these varieties.”
“I am honored to be able to continue to represent the interests of the many plant breeders across the country, many of whom are our clients, to help shape policy and IP strategy at a national level,” said Heidi.
Heidi has been an intellectual property attorney for over 30 years, obtaining patents and designing IP strategy in the areas of agricultural biotechnology, plants, and animals. Heidi also enjoys being an advocate for biotechnology, speaking around the country on important issues in the field. Her practice includes representation of more than 40 different universities and research foundations across the country, as well as many Agribusiness companies. Heidi also serves on the AUTM (Association of University Technology Managers) Board of Directors.
Heidi was recently appointed to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Patent Public Advisory Committee (PPAC) by the United States Secretary of Commerce. The PPAC committee is a direct report to the Under Secretary of Commerce and the USPTO Commissioner for Patents, Kathi Vidal and the PTAB both report to the PPAC to help shape patent policy for the United States. Heidi is Vice Chair of the PPAC committee on patent Quality, Pendency, International and PTAB, and also serves on the PPAC Finance committee.
Heidi will serve on the PVP Board until September 24, 2024.
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Source : https://www.ipmvs.com/news/heidi-s-nebel-re-appointed-to-the-national-plant-variety-protection-board-2/